Medical or Professional Negligence Claims

If you have been injured as a result of medical treatment or clinical care which has not been performed correctly, and have made a claim for compensation, Law Services Australia (LSA) may be able to help you on No Win No Fee basis. If the medical treatment occurred in the context of another kind of claim such as the motor vehicle accident or workers compensation claim we will be able to inform you about how these two claims intersect and what you can expect from both.

Compensation for Medical Negligence

In Western Australia, a person with a medical negligence claim will only be successful if they can show that they suffered an injury due to the negligence of another person, usually a doctor, nurse, medic or someone in a similar role involving surgery, medical treatment or clinical care.

The injured person will usually have to show that the person providing the medical care owed them a duty of care as a patient, which will usually not present a problem. The harder part of a medical negligence claim is showing that firstly, the medical care provider was negligent in undertaking the medical care or medical procedure, and secondly any damage to the injured person was caused by the medical negligence, rather than any other condition, including the condition for which the injured person first sought medical treatment.

Law Services Australia (LSA) can help you to maximise your medical negligence compensation.

What can I expect to receive in a medical negligence claim?

In a medical negligence claim any award your receive from a Judge will attempt to put you back, as far as money can do so, in the same position that you were in prior to the negligent conduct. In most medical negligence cases, this will be the position that you would be in if the surgery, or other medical procedure was properly performed.

In an award, injured people can expect to receive money for their pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life, economic loss, medical treatment, gratuitous services, paid services and any medical AIDS they will need going forward.

Medical Negligence Lawyers No Win No Fee

Law Services Australia (LSA) offers an obligation free consultation all personal injury matters, including medical negligence, and should Law Services Australia (LSA) offered to take on your claim is ordinary for us to do so on a no win no fee basis. This means that if you are not successful in your medical negligence claim, you do not have to pay us but if you lose your case then you have to pay the other side (the negligent medical practitioner’s) legal costs.

Like a lot of areas in law, it can be complex and a worrying time for all. We request you to get ring me on (04) 1420 4204 and let’s have a discussion and start relieving your worries and finding solutions.


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