Buying or Selling a Business

We will provide accurate advice to identify and limit any risks to you.

Law Services Australia (LSA) Lawyers has broad experience advising both vendors and purchasers of businesses.

Lawyers are an integral part of any purchase and sale process, but methods can sometimes mean the difference between a transaction that progresses smoothly and one that falls over.

Whether you are buying or selling a business, the role of your lawyer is to facilitate the process, and identify and limit any risks to you. With proven experience in business sales and acquisitions, our lawyers deliver accurate advice and other services, based on a deep understanding of the process.

We offer assistance and advice on:

Selling a business

  • Confidentiality agreement
  • Preparing contracts of sale
  • Negotiating essential terms and special conditions
  • Transfers of lease
  • Liquor licence applications and transfers
  • Breaches of contract
  • Litigation

Buying a business

  • Contracts of sale of business and negotiating special conditions
  • Due diligence searches and inspections
  • The best business structure for you
  • Employment contracts
  • Breaches of contract
  • Litigation


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Please fill out the form above or call us today 1300 89 59 89